Categories: Decorating-Published On: August 21, 2019-

Closet clean-out

Closet clean-out

While the girls are getting mentally ready to go back to school – I was getting their rooms ready for the school year. I wanted their rooms ready for the fast pace of life once school, sports, and activities take over. I like starting out the school year with a clean slate, no distractions, or extra clutter.

Quinn’s room received a makeover and her toys and closet got cleaned out too. She loves changing clothes and getting everything out so it was imperative that that she could reach her dresses and all the things that she likes access to – since she’s the one who will have to put it all back.

Sawyer’s room is still a work in progress – check back later, but for now we sorted through her closet. We found some clothes that were too small, and some toys that she hasn’t played with for years, and some odd things tucked in odd spaces. Plastic storage bins and boxes are great for storing keepsakes and things that aren’t used often. And the fabric bins are perfect for accessing things that don’t store easily (i.e., ski goggles, gloves, hats, shin guards, etc.). One of the techniques we use for Sawyer to help her keep track of her clothes is that we hang warm weather clothes on the top rack, and cold weather clothes on the bottom rack.

I hope our closet clean-out inspires a little closet cleaning in your home. It feels really good to clean out those closed off areas of the home that often get neglected (check out our linen closets here). Now I can focus on some more exciting projects, and I hope you’ll follow along to see what’s next!

Here are some closet organizers to help get the job done.

If you have any questions or tips about cleaning closets, please leave a comment below or post your ‘after’ photo on Facebook.

POSTED IN:  Decorating

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